Hospitality First

Hospitality First

Trusted by industry leaders, Creventa is the all-in-one events management platform designed to revolutionise how you run your hospitality business. Say goodbye to the headache of manual admin and say hello to a smoother, more efficient way of managing your events venue.

Our Service

The founders of Creventa understand hospitality. As former venue owners and operators, they sought to solve the problems experienced in their own businesses. With this unrivalled insight, Creventa is proud to be trusted by events professionals across the industry.


Ensuring that all events are compliant with current allergen legislation is of paramount importance. It safeguards the health and well-being of attendees, particularly those with food allergies or intolerances. By accurately managing allergens, event organisers prevent potentially life-threatening reactions and promote inclusivity for all guests.

Creventa partners with …